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Guided tour sun 25.8. 1PM Art Realm ’24 -biennial

Hämeenlinnan taidemuseo, Viipurintie 2, Hämeenlinna

Aikuiset Harrastajat Harrastukset Kuvataide Museot Näyttelyt Opastus Vanhukset Yleisötyö Hämeenlinna

The first Art Realm ’24 Biennial, which takes over both exhibition buildings of the Hämeenlinna Art Museum, explores what the future Art Realm looks like through the eyes of artists. During the guided tour, visitors will be introduced to the exhibition, where the futures envisioned by the artists range from dystopia to hope.

The tour starts in the Lohrmann Building.

Hämeenlinna Art Museum is open Tue–Thu 11 am–6 pm, Fri–Sun 11 am–5 pm.

Admission fees: €12 / €10, free with a Museum Card and for those under 18.

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Taiteilijatapaaminen sisältyy museon pääsylipun hintaan. Liput 12/10/0 €. Meille käy myös museokortti.


Hämeenlinnan taidemuseo