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Guided tour of the Laila Karttunen: Life’s Colourful Tapestry exhibition on Sunday, 23rd February at 1 PM.

Taidemuseo, Viipurintie 2, Hämeenlinna

Aikuiset Harrastajat Harrastukset Kuvataide Museot Näyttelyt Opastus Taidemuseot Tekstiilitaide Tekstiilitaiteilijat Vanhukset Hämeenlinna

On the guided tour, visitors will explore the artworks and themes of the exhibition. The exhibition showcases Karttunen’s work, ranging from sketches and rugs to oil paintings and textile art.

The tour lasts 45 minutes and begins in the lobby of the Engel building.

The tour is included in the admission fee of €12/10. Free entry for visitors under 18, with a Museum Card, or with the annual pass for the museums of the City of Hämeenlinna.

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Guided tour is included in the admission ticket price of 12/10 €, free for those under 18. Museum cards are also accepted.


Hämeenlinnan taidemuseo.